15 Things You Can Buy That Set You Apart from the Crowd

15 Things You Can Buy That Set You Apart from the Crowd

Welcome back to The Velvet Runway and this feature about 15 Things You Can Buy That Set You Apart from the Crowd.

In a world where individuality is often celebrated, finding items that truly reflect your unique personality and tastes can help you stand out.

15 Things You Can Buy That Set You Apart from the Crowd

Whether you’re looking to make a statement or simply enjoy the finer things in life, here are fifteen unique purchases that can set you apart from the crowd.

15 Things You Can Buy That Set You Apart from the Crowd.

How to Create an Inviting Home

1. Personal Coaching

Top of the list is arguably personal coaching, something that’s turned into a billion-dollar industry over the last ten years. High-status individuals are always looking for some way to improve their outlook and take the next step in life. 

Personal coaching began in the business realm. Successful entrepreneurs would sell their time to founders to show them the ropes and give them a leg up on the competition. But this concept has moved into all sorts of other areas (and many you wouldn’t expect). 


For instance, we’re seeing the growth of personal coaching in the realm of health. People want to supercharge their longevity and wellness into their older years without coming down with some awful disease. 

We’re also seeing it in the worlds of dating, personal finance, and travel. People want to know how to do these things properly (mainly because nobody taught them these things at school). 

2. Exclusive Courses

At the same time, you also see a lot of people spending their money on exclusive courses to help them build specific skills. They want to learn things to help them thrive in the marketplace and in life more generally. 

For example, the number of people buying workshops that show them how to learn faster (so-called “hyperlearning”) is exploding. You also have courses on singing, managing children, getting better results in the gym, and sales/marketing. It’s almost endless. 

15 Things You Can Buy That Set You Apart from the Crowd

But again, the most successful people don’t mind investing their money into these projects. That’s because they know that eventually, all that learning is going to benefit them and help them take the next step in their lives. 

3. Vehicle Personalization

Another thing you can buy that makes you stand out from the crowd is private plates. While these are readily available, only a minority of people ever take the plunge and buy them. 

Private plates are about status. That’s certainly true. But they are also fun. Personalizing your vehicle and making it look different from everyone else’s is a celebration of individuality and lets you customize your vehicle to look the way you want it to. 

4. Philanthropy

Philanthropy also sets you apart from the crowd, as most people don’t give away their hard-earned cash

Nevertheless, it is something you could do to make other people’s lives better. Depending on how much money you have to spare, you could pay for after-school tutoring lessons for underprivileged school children, meals for homeless people, or hospital services for people in less developed nations who can’t get seen for basic services. 


Philanthropy is often one of the most rewarding exercises because it isn’t all about accumulating more possessions.

5. Rare Collectibles

You can also set yourself apart from the crowd by buying rare collectibles. These are often a significant investment. But they can also be a great way to diversify a portfolio and get into new asset classes. 

You can find all sorts of rare collectibles if you know where to look. People often seek old coins, vintage wines, and classic cars. More inventive individuals search for defective manufactured items that only saw a single run before being recalled but are now famous for being defects.

15 Things You Can Buy That Set You Apart from the Crowd

Once you start your rare collectible collection, the incentive is to keep going. That’s because rare items usually increase in value over time as they become older and the number of people chasing after them goes up.

6. Luxury Cars

Of course, luxury cars are one of the 15 things you can buy that set you apart from the crowd. Most individuals will never own a supercar, so buying a Ferrari or Rolls-Royce puts you in a special and exclusive category of consumers. 

15 Things You Can Buy That Set You Apart from the Crowd

Interestingly, you can play this game as far as it will go. For some wealthy people, a single Lambo isn’t enough. They need a limited edition model or one that’s seen a specialist makeover by a modifications workshop, like Mansori. 

Some high-end vehicle manufacturers will actually make one-off vehicles for their clients. For example, they might mix a special paint to mimic the owner’s brand colors. Or they might add special engravings to the interior of the cabin. 

7. Exotic Travel

Exotic travel isn’t quite the luxury it used to be. Most people can now afford to fly across the globe (or at least to their neighboring continent). But it is still an opportunity to make rare purchases. 

Exotic Travel

Luxury vacations, for instance, could involve first-class travel and stays in luxury hotels. You could also rent out villas used by celebrities to experience what they got to experience while abroad. 

15 Things You Can Buy That Set You Apart from the Crowd

And if you really want to stand out from the crowd, why not invest in travel by a private jet?

8. Private Memberships

Private memberships are also becoming more common among the affluent and elite. Being part of exclusive clubs affords a certain sense of status that’s hard to come by elsewhere. 

Private dining clubs are currently top of the list of many individuals’ priorities. These provide cooked food to a high standard where members can explore new cuisines and chefs.

15 Things You Can Buy That Set You Apart from the Crowd

Country clubs are another option. These offer a combination of sports, spas, and social life where wealthy individuals can find like-minded people. 

Some exclusive social clubs also remain, but they are rarer than before. 

9. Art Collections

Art collections are also making a comeback among the wealthy. Collecting rare paintings is, like collectibles, a fun pastime and something that can make your home unique. 

Yes, the price is high, but you don’t lose that money. Instead, most famous works of art continue to gain in value the longer they survive (if they are genuine). 

Where to place art in your home


Furthermore, you can explore emerging artists – individuals who are likely to become famous and successful in the future. Predicting who these individuals are often turns into a game where you try to buy artwork from those whose paintings will go up in price and provide you with a return. 

Consider investing in limited edition art prints that add a touch of exclusivity to your home decor. These prints are usually signed and numbered by the artist, making them a valuable addition to any collection.

10. Vacation Homes

Vacation homes are another way to spend your money that sets you apart from the crowd. Owning a second property abroad is the ultimate way to celebrate your love of travel while providing you with a permanent base somewhere else. 

Vacation Home

Vacation properties have long been a popular option for the rich and famous because of the safety they offer. These homes let you diversify your location so you can move rapidly if something goes wrong in your home country. 

11. Eco-Friendly Luxuries

Another area where you can spend your money and set yourself apart from others is in the realm of eco-friendly luxury. Showing that you want to go green and indulge yourself is the ultimate win-win attitude. 

15 Things You Can Buy That Set You Apart from the Crowd

These days, there are all sorts of eco-friendly luxuries on the market – everything from electric supercars to sustainable fashion options. 

What’s nice about these products is that they let you enjoy your wealth without causing harm to others. 

12. Yacht Charters

Finally, spending money on unique experiences, like yacht charters, can be another way to enjoy spare cash and live life to the fullest. 

15 Things You Can Buy That Set You Apart from the Crowd

Chartering a yacht is eye-wateringly expensive but it is a unique experience that only a minority ever try.

13. Invest in Gourmet Cooking

Experiment with new recipes, exotic spices, and unique ingredients to create culinary masterpieces and indulge in gourmet dining at home. Take a gourmet cooking class online and benefit from an interactive experience with live classes allowing you the opportunity to ask questions and get feedback every step of the way.

Coffee Machine

Invest in gourmet kitchen gadgets to enhance your cooking experience but also impress guests with your culinary skills and sophisticated tastes.

14. Personalised Home Decor

Personalized home decor items, such as monogrammed towels, custom-made rugs, and bespoke furniture, add a unique touch to your living space.

Personalized decor can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home by ensuring that every item fits perfectly with your design vision. This level of cohesion and attention to detail sets your home apart from homes with more generic, store-bought decor

15. Exotic Plants

Adding exotic plants to your home decor can significantly elevate your living space, setting you apart from the crowd. Exotic plants, such as rare orchids, bonsai trees, or unique succulents, can transform your home into a lush, green oasis and showcase your refined taste in greenery.

15 Things You Can Buy That Set You Apart from the Crowd

Owning and caring for exotic plants demonstrates a refined taste and a love for the extraordinary. It shows that you appreciate the beauty of nature’s rarities and are willing to invest in them.

Many exotic plants are excellent air purifiers, helping to improve indoor air quality. This not only makes your home more beautiful but also contributes to a healthier living environment.

Final Thoughts about 15 Things You Can Buy That Set You Apart from the Crowd

Standing out from the crowd is all about making thoughtful, unique choices that reflect your personality and values, so embrace your uniqueness and let these special items enhance your lifestyle.

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