Balcony Leaks & How to Deal with Them
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Balcony Leaks & How to Deal with Them

Welcome back to the Velvet Runway and this feature about Balcony Leaks & How to Deal with Them.

A balcony can be a wonderful addition to any home, providing outdoor space for relaxation and entertainment. However, one of the most common issues homeowners face with balconies is leaks.

Balcony leaks can cause damage to both the outdoor structure and the interior of your home, leading to costly repairs if not addressed quickly.

Balcony Leaks & How to Deal with Them

In this article, we’ll explore the causes of balcony leaks, how to spot the signs, and the best ways to deal with them before they become a serious problem.

Balcony Leaks & How to Deal with Them

Balcony Leaks & How to Deal with Them

1. Finding the Source of the Leak

Of course, the first thing to do is find the source of the leak, which might be from the roof or a door or window frame; water runs along hard surfaces so make sure you find the origin of the leak.

Leaking roof

When looking for leaking balcony repairs in Sydney, an established sealing company would be happy to carry out a free inspection to find the source of the leak. You could spend an entire weekend trying to fix a leaking balcony and still not manage to do it, which is another good reason to call in the experts.

2. Common Causes of Balcony Leaks

Balcony leaks can occur for a variety of reasons, many of which are related to improper construction, aging materials, or lack of regular maintenance. Here are some of the most common causes:

  • Poor Waterproofing: The most significant factor contributing to balcony leaks is inadequate or deteriorated waterproofing. Over time, the waterproofing membrane that protects the structure can wear out, crack, or become damaged, allowing water to seep through.
  • Faulty Drainage Systems: Balconies should be designed with proper drainage to channel water away from the building. If the drainage system is clogged, poorly installed, or insufficient, water can pool on the surface, eventually leading to leaks.
  • Cracked or Damaged Tiles: Many balconies are finished with tiles, which can crack due to wear and tear, temperature changes, or shifting in the structure. These cracks allow water to penetrate below the surface, which can damage the waterproof membrane.
  • Poor Construction or Design: In some cases, the balcony may not have been built with proper slope, leading to water accumulation instead of runoff. Additionally, poor workmanship in sealing joints, railings, or flashing can create vulnerable spots for water intrusion.
  • Aging Materials: Over time, all materials, including waterproofing membranes, tiles, and seals, begin to deteriorate. If your balcony is older, it may require repairs or updates to prevent leaks.

3. How to Spot the Signs of a Balcony Leak

Identifying a balcony leak early is essential to preventing further damage to your home. Here are some key signs that indicate a possible leak:


  • Water Stains: If you notice dark or discolored patches on the ceiling or walls below your balcony, this is a strong indicator of water seeping through the structure.
  • Peeling Paint or Bubbling Plaster: Moisture trapped behind walls can cause paint to peel or plaster to bubble, signaling water intrusion from the balcony above.
  • Mold and Mildew: If there is persistent moisture caused by a leak, mold and mildew may begin to form in the affected areas, leading to a musty smell and potential health hazards.
  • Loose or Cracked Tiles: On the balcony itself, cracked or loose tiles can allow water to penetrate beneath the surface, eventually leading to leaks in the structure.
  • Pooling Water: Water that doesn’t drain properly and pools on the surface of the balcony is a major red flag. It indicates poor drainage or an issue with the waterproofing membrane.

Cleaning Gutters

4. Steps to Take When You Notice a Balcony Leak

Once you have discovered the source of a leak in your balcony, it’s crucial to take action quickly to avoid extensive damage. Here’s a step-by-step guide to dealing with a balcony leak:

Step One : Clear Any Blocked Drains

If water is pooling on the surface, check for blocked drains or gutters. Clear any debris, such as leaves or dirt, that could be preventing proper drainage. Regular maintenance of the drainage system is essential to preventing future leaks. Click here for tips on gutter maintenance.

Step Two : Seal Cracks and Gaps

For minor issues, such as small cracks in the tiles or gaps in the balcony’s perimeter, you can use waterproof sealant or caulking to fill the cracks and prevent water from seeping through. Be sure to use high-quality materials designed for outdoor use.

Sealing ceramic tiles : A team of leak specialists use silicone guns to waterproof ceramic tiles and unless the grouting is in bad condition, there is no need to remove it. The tiles are cleaned first then dried and a silicone seal is applied which prevents any further leakage; this is not an easy thing to do and unless you are skilled at applying silicone, we don’t recommend trying this yourself!

Perimeter seal : Once the tiles have been sealed, the technician seals the balcony perimeter to ensure no water can enter the balcony area. Once dry, a chemical cleaner is applied to the ceramic tiles to give them a deep clean and remove mould.

Step Three: Repair Roof leaks

The balcony roof might have a leak, which could be from a missing or broken roof tile or it might be due to compromised sealing. Water runs along hard surfaces and that can make it hard to actually see where the leak originates. Imagine carrying out a repair then finding out you haven’t managed to stop the leaking water!

Balcony Leaks & How to Deal with Them

If cracked or loose tiles are contributing to the leak, consider re-grouting or replacing them. Make sure the area beneath the tiles is clean and dry before reapplying grout or installing new tiles.

If the leak is severe or you cannot identify the source, it’s best to consult a waterproofing professional or contractor. They can assess the extent of the damage and recommend the most appropriate solution, which may involve replacing the waterproofing membrane or addressing structural issues.

Step Four: No use for 24 hours

Once your balcony leak has been fixed, you should not use the area for a minimum of 24 hours, as it takes this long for the materials to cure. Once this period has elapsed, you are free to use the balcony and you can expect to have a dry experience from here on in.

5. Long-Term Solutions for Preventing Balcony Leaks

Once you’ve addressed an existing balcony leak, it’s important to take steps to prevent future issues. Here are some long-term solutions for keeping your balcony leak-free:

Waterproofing Membrane Installation: One of the most effective ways to prevent balcony leaks is to ensure that the waterproofing membrane is properly installed and maintained. If your balcony is older, consider having the membrane replaced by a professional to ensure long-lasting protection.

Balcony Leaks & How to Deal with Them

Improve Drainage: Proper drainage is key to preventing water buildup. Ensure that your balcony has adequate slope to direct water away from the building, and keep drains and gutters clear of debris. Consider installing a drainage system or upgrading your existing one if needed.

Regular Maintenance: Conduct regular inspections of your balcony to check for cracks, gaps, or other potential issues. Addressing small problems early can prevent them from becoming major leaks. Additionally, clean and reseal the balcony’s surfaces as needed to maintain their integrity.

A Comprehensive Guide to Gutter Maintenance

Quality Materials and Workmanship: Whether you’re building a new balcony or repairing an existing one, using high-quality materials and ensuring proper construction are essential to preventing leaks. This includes choosing durable tiles, proper sealants, and ensuring that the waterproofing membrane is correctly installed.

Balcony Leaks & How to Deal with Them

7. DIY vs. Professional Repairs for Balcony Leaks

Deciding whether to perform  or hire a professional can be a tough decision. Many homeowners prefer DIY to save money and have greater control over the process.

Water can cause a lot of building damage and should you discover a serious leak on your balcony, resist the temptation for a DIY fix and call in an established leak specialist who have the tools, resources and know-how to pinpoint and repair the leak.


Professionals bring experience and specialized tools to the job, ensuring that your balconies are dry and safe for use.

Final Thoughts on Balcony Leaks & How to Deal with Them

Balcony leaks can be a serious issue if not addressed promptly, but with proper maintenance and timely repairs, they can be easily managed. By understanding the common causes of leaks, spotting the early signs, and taking preventative measures, you can keep your balcony in excellent condition and avoid costly repairs. Whether you choose to DIY minor repairs or hire a professional for more complex issues, maintaining your balcony is crucial to ensuring it remains a safe and enjoyable part of your home.

I hope you found this feature about Balcony Leaks & How to Deal with Them helpful, and have a look here for more home inspiration.

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