Fighting Ageism in the Workplace
Business and Financial Lifestyle

Fighting Ageism in the Workplace

Welcome back to The Velvet Runway and this feature about Fighting Ageism in the Workplace.

Ageism in the workplace affects many people, both young and old. You might feel overlooked for promotions, sidelined in meetings, or hear comments about your age that make you uncomfortable. 

These experiences can lead to frustration and a sense of unfairness. Understanding what ageism is and how it manifests can help you address it effectively. This guide will help you recognise signs of ageism, take action against it, and contribute to creating an age-friendly work environment.

Fighting Ageism in the Workplace

As people live and work longer, it’s vital to recognize that age diversity is an asset, bringing a wealth of experience, perspective, and stability to teams. Here’s a look at how you can work to combat ageism, foster a culture of inclusion, and create an environment where employees of all ages feel valued and respected.

Ageism at work

1. Understanding Ageism: What It Is and Why It Matters

Ageism involves treating someone unfairly because of their age. It can occur at any stage of employment – from hiring to promotion to retirement. You may notice ageism when older employees are passed over for training opportunities or when younger workers face stereotypes about their lack of experience

Ageism in the office place

Age discrimination not only affects your career progression but also impacts your wellbeing and job satisfaction. Recognising ageism is the first step towards ensuring that you and your colleagues are valued for your skills and contributions, not judged by your age.

2. Spotting Ageism: Recognising Signs in Your Workplace

You might encounter subtle or overt signs of ageism at work. For instance, if job adverts specify a desired age range or use phrases like “young and dynamic,” this could indicate discriminatory practices. 

Pay attention to whether certain age groups are consistently excluded from projects or social events. Comments that stereotype abilities based on age, such as assuming older workers can’t adapt to new technology or younger ones lack commitment, are also red flags. 

Noticing these signs can help you address issues before they escalate.

3. Taking Action: Strategies to Combat Ageism

If you believe you’re experiencing ageism, there are practical steps you can take. 

Start by documenting incidents with dates, times, and details. Discuss your concerns with a trusted colleague or supervisor who may provide support or intervene. Consult your company’s human resources department to understand your rights and the policies in place. 

Stop Ageism

You might also seek advice from employment law solicitors who specialise in discrimination cases. They can guide you through the process of filing a formal complaint if necessary and help protect your legal rights.

4. Building Age-Friendly Workplaces

Creating an age-friendly workplace benefits everyone. You can encourage open dialogue about age diversity and share experiences that highlight the value each person brings, regardless of age. 

Participating in mentorship programmes can foster mutual learning between different age groups. 

Fighting Ageism in the Workplace by mentoring

Employers can support these efforts by providing training on unconscious bias and implementing clear policies against age discrimination. By working together, you contribute to a respectful and inclusive environment where all employees can thrive.

5. Engage in Cross-Generational Collaboration

Teaming up with coworkers from different age groups can open doors to mutual learning and respect. Younger employees can gain from the experience and industry knowledge of older team members, while older employees can benefit from fresh perspectives or newer technology insights. Proactively seek out these opportunities—they show that age diversity is an asset to team success.

Cross generational collaboration

If you’re working on a project, consider asking a colleague from another generation to collaborate. Approach them with openness to learn from their perspective, and be willing to share your own expertise. It fosters mutual respect and demonstrates the power of age diversity.

6 . Embrace Continuous Learning for All Ages

One common misconception is that only young professionals are eager to learn and grow. Combat this by actively pursuing development opportunities regardless of your age, and encourage others to do the same. Advocate for your right to training, new projects, or upskilling so that everyone, no matter their stage of career, can continue developing.

If your workplace offers training sessions or workshops, attend and engage actively. Showing interest in growth sets a strong example and makes it clear that learning is a lifelong pursuit, not limited by age.

7. Celebrate Age Diversity as a Strategic Advantage

Promote the idea that age diversity enriches the workplace by offering different viewpoints and approaches to problem-solving. A team that reflects multiple generations can adapt to a wider range of clients, communicate with diverse audiences, and create products or services with broader appeal. Companies that embrace age diversity often find that it enhances creativity and team dynamics.

Highlight success stories of intergenerational projects in company newsletters or during team meetings. This reinforces the idea that age diversity is valued and impactful.

8. Work Together to Build a Culture of Inclusion

A truly inclusive workplace values age diversity just as it does other forms of diversity. Embrace opportunities to share your perspective, advocate for others, and create spaces for all voices to be heard. Inclusion isn’t just the responsibility of leadership; it’s something every employee can champion by showing respect, supporting one another, and fostering a welcoming environment for all.

Fighting Ageism in the Workplace

Make a point of acknowledging and celebrating achievements across age groups. Small gestures, like congratulating a colleague on an accomplishment or milestone, reinforce that every employee’s contributions are valued.

Final Thoughts about Fighting Ageism in the Workplace

Fighting ageism in the workplace is about building a culture where everyone feels valued, regardless of age. By recognizing the unique strengths each individual brings to the table, organizations can foster an environment where experience, innovation, and creativity thrive together. Encouraging age-inclusive practices is not just the right thing to do—it’s a smart strategy that brings lasting benefits to the workplace, making it more adaptive, diverse, and resilient for years to come.

Fighting Ageism in the Workplace

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With love,


  1. Thanks for sharing this! We should definitely be working towards inclusion!

    1. Julia Rees says:

      Thanks Laura. I agree – we should be working towards inclusion in every type of discrimination xo

  2. People are discriminated and mistreated based on so many ridiculous reasons and they are often not taken seriously.

    1. Julia Rees says:

      This is so true x

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