How to Cultivate Poise: 10 Steps for Instant Elegance

How to Cultivate Poise: 10 Steps for Instant Elegance

Welcome back to The Velvet Runway and this feature about How to Cultivate Poise: 10 Steps for Instant Elegance.

In a world that often feels rushed and chaotic, learning how to cultivate poise can set you apart and bring a sense of calm and confidence to your interactions. Poise is not just about maintaining a graceful appearance; it’s about embodying a state of inner tranquility and self-assurance that influences how you carry yourself in any situation.

How to Cultivate Poise: 10 Steps for Instant Elegance

Like everything else, if you want to do it right, you have to learn from a master. There are women all over the world, from all eras and generations, who ooze charm and poise. So pick one who resonates with you, and absorb how she walks and talks. I have always admired Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn who to me epitomise poise and these two poised and talented ladies are my role models for poise.

What is Poise ?

For me when I think of poise, the two words that instantly come to mind are Elegance and Grace and a feeling of more calm and less drama in my life.

Poise is not solely about external appearance or social etiquette; it goes beyond superficiality. It reflects an inner sense of confidence and self-awareness. It’s the ability to maintain calmness and grace in any situation, regardless of external pressures.

It combines self-control, grace, and a calm demeanor, reflecting a deep sense of self-awareness and inner peace. A poised person is comfortable in their own skin, not easily rattled and exudes a sense of ease and elegance that captivates others and leaves a lasting impression.

Why Poise Matters

Poise leads to better self-assurance and more confidence. Poised individuals are comfortable in their own skin and this leads to better social interactions and relationships. In the same way, poise also contributes to career success and professional avancement.

Finally, poise requires a calm demeanour and people who practice poise are better equipped to handle stress and difficult situations. It requires being the master of your emotions and not allowing your emotions to be dictated by outside influences.

How to Cultivate Poise: 10 Steps for Instant Elegance

Ultimately, poise is a skill that can be cultivated and refined, so here are ten steps to help you learn how to cultivate poise and aquire instant elegance.

1: Develop Self-Awareness:

True poise begins with a deep sense of self-awareness, and a clear perception of who you are and your unique talents, experiences and perspectives. It is essential to take the time and effort to truly understand yourself, including your strengths, weaknesses, and unique qualities.

It is important to realise that true confidence comes from within and your belief in your own worth. External validation may provide some temporary reassurance but it can never lead to true poise.

Understanding your emotions, triggers, and reactions is the first step in learning how to cultivate poise. Practice mindfulness and self-reflection to become more aware of your internal state, and regularly check in with yourself to understand how you feel and why.

Learn to be the master of your emotions and not to outsource your emotional well-being to others. Prioritize your emotions and well-being above all else and make time for self-care every day.

2: Practice Mindfulness and Meditation to ground yourself in the present:

How to Cultivate Poise: 10 Steps for Instant Elegance

Mindfulness and meditation help in grounding yourself in the present moment. These practices reduce stress, enhance emotional regulation, and improve focus, all of which are crucial for maintaining poise. Even a few minutes of meditation daily can make a significant difference.

Also, remember to focus on what’s happening right now rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Grounding yourself in the present will lead to more calm and ultimately more poise. Whenever you are triggered, take a moment to ask yourself how you want to show up and who you want to be in this situation?

3. Perfect your Posture and Improve Your Body Language:

Posture is a fundamental element in conveying poise and elegance. It influences not only your physical appearance but also your inner confidence.

When you slouch or look away when talking to someone it conveys a sense of insecurity which is not at all the sentiment associated with poise.

How to Cultivate Poise: 10 Steps for Instant Elegance

Stand tall, maintain good posture, and make eye contact. Imagine yourself as if you were a tree, rooted firmly to the ground, and stand tall with your head held high, your shoulders relaxed, and your spine aligned. Imagine a string gently pulling you upward from the crown of your head and elongating your body. By maintaining this upright position, you exude a sense of confidence and grace. You can also practice yoga, and poses such as the tree pose above will help with your balance and posture.

Practice moving with intention and grace, and avoid sudden, jerky movements. Simple exercises, such as walking with a book on your head, can help improve your balance and poise.

Practice smooth transitions when sitting down and rising from a chair. To sit, lower yourself gently and gracefully, using controlled movements, rather than just flopping down. When rising, push up gradually, using your leg muscles and maintaining an elegant posture.

Be firm and fluid in your gestures. For example, offer your hand for a handshake with a firm but gentle grip and avoid weak, limp or overly forceful handshakes. When making gestures, do so purposefully, ensuring they complement your words and convey your message effectively.

4. Enhance Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication Skills:

Poise is also reflected in how you communicate. Speak clearly, calmly, and with confidence. Avoid rushing your words; instead, take your time to articulate your thoughts. Listening actively and responding thoughtfully also demonstrate poise.

How to Cultivate Poise: 10 Steps for Instant Elegance

Additionally, be mindful of your non-verbal cues, such as maintaining eye contact and using appropriate gestures, such as nodding, and be aware of your facial expressions. These elements contribute to a polished and poised presence.

5. Cultivate Patience and a Calm Demeanour:

Patience is a key component of poise. Learn to be patient with yourself and with others. Understand that not every situation requires an immediate reaction. Take a step back, breathe, and respond calmly and thoughtfully rather than react impulsively.


Take deep breaths to center yourself and allow a sense of tranquility to radiate from within. This calmness will not only enhance your own well-being but will also inspire those around you.

6. Build Emotional Resilience:

Emotional resilience allows you to handle stress and adversity with grace. Develop coping strategies to manage stress, such as deep breathing, journaling, or talking to a trusted friend.


Building resilience helps you stay composed under pressure.

7. Dress the Part:

Poise also extends to how you present yourself. Pay attention to personal grooming, dress in a way that gives you confidence, and maintain a polished appearance.

How to Cultivate Poise: 10 Steps for Instant Elegance

Dressing well can boost your confidence and influence how others perceive you, as well as how you perceive yourself. Enclothed cognition is a psychological phenomenon that describes how the clothes we wear influence our mental processes and behaviors. For example, wearing a lab coat can enhance attention and performance in tasks requiring concentration because the coat is associated with the characteristics of a scientist or doctor.

For more tips on how to look elegant, have a look at our feature about How to Look Elegant on a Budget .

8. Invest in continuous learning:

Poise is a journey of continuous self-improvement. Embrace a mindset of lifelong learning and seek opportunities to refine your skills and expand your knowledge.

Ways to Add Luxury to Your Daily Life

Read widely, stay curious, and engage in meaningful conversations. Knowledge not only enhances your confidence but also makes you a more engaging conversationalist.

By continually investing in personal growth, you will enhance your poise and become a source of inspiration to others.

9. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences:

The company you keep can impact your feelings and outlook on life. Surround yourself with positive, poised individuals who inspire and support you. Learn from their behaviors and attitudes.

10. Practice Regularly:

Like any skill, cultivating poise requires regular practice. Put yourself in situations that challenge your composure and practice maintaining poise. Over time, it will become a natural part of your behaviour.

How to Cultivate Poise: 10 Steps for Instant Elegance

Use visualization techniques to imagine yourself being poised and confident in various scenarios. This mental rehearsal helps you to remain poised when faced with challenging situations, as when you are placed in the situation, you have rehearsed it so much in your brain that it becomes much easier to actually show up and be poised, in reality.

Fun Fact: The Power of Pausing: A powerful technique in cultivating poise is mastering the art of pausing. Taking a brief pause before responding to a question or during a conversation not only gives you time to gather your thoughts but also projects confidence and thoughtfulness. It’s a subtle yet effective way to demonstrate control and grace.

Final Thoughts on How to Cultivate Poise: 10 Steps for Instant Elegance

Cultivating poise is a journey of self-discovery and growth, and is an ongoing process that requires dedication and practice. It involves developing self-awareness, practicing mindfulness, improving body language and communication skills, dressing with confidence, practicing patience, and building emotional resilience.

By embodying poise, you can navigate life’s challenges with grace, confidence, and elegance. Remember, poise is not about perfection but about progress and presence in each moment. Embrace the journey, and let your inner tranquility shine through in every aspect of your life.

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With love,

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  1. Hi Julia

    I really love this post and great tips for being a “class act” Definitely some things here caught my attention to work on.

    Hope all is well with you!


    1. Julia Rees says:

      Hi Val, hope all is well with you too! I think working on poise is an ongoing challenge! xoxo

  2. Very good

    1. Julia Rees says:

      Thank you Christine. I’m glad you think so x

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