How to Prepare Yourself for Working a Night Shift
Health and Wellness Lifestyle

How to Prepare Yourself for Working a Night Shift

Welcome back to The Velvet Runway and this health and wellness feature where we are delving into How to Prepare Yourself for Working a Night Shift

Night shifts are a common reality for many workers in the UK, from nurses and emergency service personnel to labourers and call centre staff. A study by the World Health Organisation has identified the challenges faced by those working at unsociable hours, including increased health risks and difficulties maintaining a healthy social life.

However, with the right preparation and approach, you can navigate the graveyard shift effectively and feel refreshed throughout your working hours.

How to Prepare Yourself for Working a Night Shift

How to Prepare Yourself for Working a Night Shift

Adjust Your Sleep Schedule Gradually

Sleep Tracker

To maintain a healthy sleep-wake cycle, you need routine. Disrupting this with night shifts can lead to fatigue, decreased alertness and even health problems. The key to success lies in aligning your sleep schedule with your work hours as much as possible.

Start adjusting your cycle a few days before you start nights. Aim to go to bed and wake up a little later each day until you reach your desired sleep pattern. Consistency is key here – try to stick to this schedule even on your days off to minimise disruption.

How to Prepare Yourself for Working a Night Shift

Optimise Your Bedroom For Daytime Sleep

Since you’ll be sleeping during daylight hours, your bedroom needs to aid a good day’s rest. Invest in blackout curtains to block out sunlight and minimise noise distractions with earplugs or try out a white noise machine.

Clutter free bedroom

A tidy environment promotes a relaxed mind so keep your space free of clutter and cool – between 16°C and 18°C is ideal for sleep.

Stay Energised with Wise Food Choices

Staying on top form and fighting fatigue on a long night shift requires smart food choices. Don’t skip meals! A hearty and healthy dinner before your shift will provide sustained energy.

Healthy Dinner

Avoid sugary snacks that will cause you to crash, instead pack nutritious treats and focus on complex carbohydrates like whole grains and lean protein sources like chicken or fish. Staying hydrated is crucial, so bring a big water bottle to sip on.

 Stay Comfortable at Work

The way you feel on shift will determine how alert you are. Warm work clothes are ideal for tasks outside while breathable, layered clothing is better suited for cooler environments. You want to avoid anything that can restrict movement and make you feel sluggish.

How to Prepare Yourself for Working a Night Shift

Sitting for long periods can make you feel tired quicker so get your blood flowing by going on a short walk or doing some light stretches.

Stay Active

Physical activity can help manage stress and improve sleep quality.

Practice stretching, yoga, or relaxation techniques to help your body wind down after a shift.

Ten reasons you should incorporate yoga in your daily routine

Incorporate regular exercise into your routine, but avoid vigorous workouts right before bed as they can interfere with sleep.

Monitor Your Health

Regular health check-ups are vital for night shift workers to detect any early signs of health issues.

Watch for symptoms of sleep disorders, such as insomnia or excessive sleepiness, and seek medical advice if needed. It’s also important to pay attention to your mental health and seek support if you experience anxiety, depression, or high stress levels.

Final words about How to Prepare Yourself for Working a Night Shift

Preparing for a night shift requires thoughtful adjustments to your lifestyle and habits. By adjusting your sleep schedule gradually, optimising your bedroom for daily sleep, maintaining a healthy diet, staying comfortable at work, staying active and monitoring your health, you can successfully adapt to working the night shift while maintaining your well-being and productivity.

How to Prepare Yourself for Working a Night Shift

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  1. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to work a night shift! These are great tips!

    1. Julia Rees says:

      I have two friends who work night shifts and they both say it’s really hard, especially as you get older.

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