How to Take Photos of Yourself When Travelling Solo:
Travel Tips

How to Take Photos of Yourself When Travelling Solo: 5 Helpful Tips

Welcome back to the Velvet Runway and here is our guide to How to Take Photos of Yourself When Travelling Solo: 5 Helpful Tips.

Woman in Santorini

Being able to travel alone is one of the greatest joys there is. You get to explore new places, meet new people, and try out new activities all at your own pace. Moreover, because you don’t have to account for other people’s preferences, you can make the trip as budget-friendly as you want it to be.

It’s certainly an experience you’ll cherish for the years to come—which is why you’ll most likely want to take photos of yourself during the trip as well. There’s just one problem: it can be a challenge to get good photos of yourself when you don’t have a travel companion to help you take it. So, here are some tips on how to take great photos of yourself during your solo travels:

How to Take Photos of Yourself When Travelling Solo: 5 Helpful Tips

1. Bring a Tripod

When taking photos, you’ll want your camera to be on a solid foundation to get a steady shot. While you can just set your camera on a table, bench, or some other flat surface, doing this also puts your camera at risk of falling off. With no one to hold your camera for you, your best bet is to bring along a tripod during your trip.

Camera on tripod

You may think that a tripod will be bothersome to carry while travelling, but there are actually many portable variations in the market nowadays that can easily fit into your backpack. While you’re at it, don’t forget to bring the right lens as well to ensure the shot will still be clear even if you set up your tripod a little farther away. If you don’t have the right camera lens for the job, then you can try looking for camera lens hire services beforehand to find the best one to rent for your travels.

2. Utilise Your Camera’s Timer Feature

Now that you’ve got your camera set on a tripod, there are various methods you can use to trigger the shot. The most common is to simply use your camera’s self-timer feature. Most phones will offer two or three default timer durations (e.g., 3, 10, 12 seconds), so just choose the one that will let you get into position without rushing. Some phone cameras even allow you to indicate how many successive shots it should take, which is great if you like taking “safety” shots.

How to Take Photos of Yourself When Travelling Solo:

Another method is by using a bluetooth remote to instruct your camera to take the shot even at a distance. Compared to a self-timer, this could give you more freedom because you can just press the remote whenever you’re ready. Not all cameras have bluetooth capabilities, however, so make sure to check if yours has one before buying a remote.

How to Take Photos of Yourself When Travelling Solo:

3. Ask for Help From Strangers

In some cases, the best way to get photos of yourself while travelling solo is to muster up the courage to ask strangers to take it for you. You’ll find that as long as you ask politely, many locals would be more than happy to help you get a good shot. That said, be clear about what you want the shot to look like, so you don’t have to ask the stranger to retake the photo.

Taking photo os someone

As a bonus, this method of taking solo photos can also be a great way to strike up conversations with locals and ask for other spots they can recommend for you to visit. If you’re travelling to a foreign country, asking strangers to help you take pictures can also help you brush up on common phrases and other helpful words. However, make sure to follow safety advice for solo travel.

4. Strike Up a Deal with Other Solo Travelers

During your trip, you’re likely going to meet fellow solo travellers. Seeing as you’re all on the same boat, why not work with them and take each other’s photos? This way, you won’t feel as awkward asking for retakes or giving detailed instructions as you would with a stranger because the favour is mutual in this scenario.

How to Take Photos of Yourself When Travelling Solo: 5 Helpful Tips

If you’re unsure where to start looking for fellow solo travellers, you can check travel groups on social media and ask around. Who knows, this may also be your chance to meet new travel buddies.

5. Look for Tours to Join In

While sight-seeing on your own can be freeing and may even lead you to discovering hidden gems, joining tours also has its benefits. For one, tour guides will likely be willing to help you take photos during the tour.

Tour group

Moreover, since they’re familiar with the location, they can even suggest the best angle or position for the shot to make sure the location’s beauty shines through. Don’t forget to leave them a tip as well to let them know you appreciate their help.

Final Thoughts : How to Take Photos of Yourself When Travelling Solo: 5 Helpful Tips

Travelling solo anytime soon? No need to fret over how you can take good photos of yourself during the trip. With the help of the tips above, you can surely capture all those memorable travel moments without any hassle.

How to Take Photos of Yourself When Travelling Solo: 5 Helpful Tips

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