dress for a job interview

Why (and how) you should analyse your outfit.

Take a little time at the end of the day to analyse  your outfit, so that you can better understand your personal style identity, know what outfits work for you and what don’t, and also make small tweaks to improve your outfit for next time. I also recommend taking photos of your outfit each day – they don’t have to …


Dress for your body type and drop a dress size without dieting (or exercise).

Welcome back to The Velvet Runway and this feature about How to dress for your body type and drop a dress size (without dieting or exercise!) It is not uncommon for women to struggle with body image issues. Whether it’s wanting to lose weight, having lost weight, or the inability to keep weight on /off …

Health and Wellness Lifestyle

The beginning of the end and a new beginning : Stay sane coming out of lockdown

There are two dates that will stay etched in my mind this year – firstly the 17th March, the day we started lockdown here in France and secondly today, the 11th May, the date the process of coming out of lockdown starts here. And, I admit that I’m excited, but also a little bit apprehensive …

Sustainable fashion
Lifestyle Style

Lockdown update and 5 sustainable fashion brands that should be on your radar.

How is everyone coping with lockdown? I hope these tips helped a little. Today, I’m sharing a brief update about lockdown, why I think sustainable fashion is so important and my top 5 sustainable fashion brands. One thing I’ve been thinking a lot about during lockdown is the environment. I feel like Mother Nature has …

Travel Tips

The Different Types of Travellers: Which One Are You?

There are different types of travellers and each have their own preference and reasons for travelling. You may find one who is motivated by thrill, self-improvement or even escapism. You may find that the way each type of traveller looks at destinations may be unique from others. Let’s take a look at some of the …