Steps To Take When You're Trying to Conceive
Health and Wellness Lifestyle

Steps To Take When You’re Trying to Conceive

Welcome back to The Velvet Runway and this health and wellness feature where we are delving into Steps To Take When You’re Trying to Conceive. 

When struggling to conceive a baby, it’s essential to understand fertility and the factors that can affect it. Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive after one year of regular, unprotected intercourse. For women over 35, this timeframe shortens to six months. Infertility can be due to issues with either partner or a combination of both.

Common causes include hormonal imbalances, structural problems, lifestyle factors, and underlying medical conditions. Understanding these factors can help you take the appropriate steps toward achieving pregnancy.

Steps To Take When You’re Trying to Conceive

Steps To Take When You're Trying to Conceive

Track Your Ovulation

Steps To Take When You're Trying to Conceive

One of the first steps to take when struggling to conceive is tracking ovulation. Ovulation is the process where an egg is released from the ovary and is the optimal time for conception. You can track ovulation using various methods, such as basal body temperature charts, ovulation predictor kits, and tracking changes in cervical mucus.

Understanding your ovulation cycle can help you time intercourse for the best chance of conception.

Ovulation Calendar

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle plays a crucial role in fertility for both partners. Maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in regular physical activity, and managing stress are essential steps.

Tips for a healthy Spring.

Avoiding smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and recreational drugs is also critical. These lifestyle factors can significantly impact fertility, and making positive changes can improve your chances of conceiving.

Schedule a Preconception Checkup

A preconception checkup can help identify and manage health conditions that might affect your ability to conceive.

You should review your medical history and any medications you’re taking with your doctor, ensure your vaccinations are up-to-date, and get screened for any conditions that might impact fertility, such as thyroid disorders or sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Consult a Fertility Specialist

If you have been trying to conceive for over a year (or six months if over 35) without success, it may be time to consult a fertility specialist. A specialist can conduct thorough evaluations and diagnostic tests to identify potential issues.

Fertility Specialist

These tests may include blood work, ultrasounds, semen analysis, and other specialized assessments. With this information, you can learn more about what treatment options you may have that will be tailored to your specific situation. 

Steps To Take When You're Trying to Conceive


Explore Fertility Treatments

There are various fertility treatments available depending on the underlying cause of infertility. Some common treatments include:

  • Medications: Fertility drugs can help stimulate ovulation in women who have irregular or absent menstrual cycles.
  • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): This procedure involves placing sperm directly into the uterus to increase the chances of fertilization.


  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF): IVF is a more advanced procedure where eggs are fertilized outside the body and then implanted into the uterus.
  • Surgery: In cases where structural issues are causing infertility, surgical procedures can correct these problems and improve fertility.

Your fertility specialist will help determine which treatment is most appropriate for you.

Couples Therapy

Consider Psychological Counseling

Infertility can take a significant emotional toll on individuals and couples. Psychological counseling can provide a safe space to express your feelings, manage stress, and cope with the emotional aspects of infertility.

Counseling can also help strengthen your relationship and improve communication with your partner during this challenging time.

Stay Informed and Patient

Infertility can be a complex and lengthy journey. Staying informed about the latest advancements in fertility treatments and maintaining open communication with your healthcare provider is crucial.

Steps To Take When You're Trying to Conceive

Patience and perseverance are essential, as achieving pregnancy may take time and multiple attempts. Remember to take care of your emotional and physical health throughout the process and seek support when needed.

Don’t Give Up

Struggling to conceive can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. By taking these steps and staying proactive, you can increase your chances of conceiving and build a strong foundation for your future family.

Final words about Steps To Take When You’re Trying to Conceive

Trying to conceive is a journey that involves physical, emotional, and sometimes medical preparations. By understanding your cycle, adopting a healthy lifestyle, managing stress, and seeking medical advice when necessary, you can increase your chances of conception. Remember to be patient and kind to yourself during this time and don’t give up!

Steps To Take When You're Trying to Conceive

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  1. Hello,
    Although this post is very interesting, it’s not for me! I decided not to have children, the world is not a good place for children, that’s my opinion, besides I have diseases that I would pass on to my descendants, and that responsibility I would never take on. But it’s a great post

    1. Julia Rees says:

      Thank you Marisa. I think that the decision to have children is very personal and I totally understand your reasoning and that it is not for you. xoxo

  2. We went through a lot trying to have our second daughter. I think this is great information. Some people don’t know where to start!

    1. Julia Rees says:

      Thanks Laura. I’m glad you think the information is helpful and I agree that some people don’t know where to start!

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