Ten tips to get French Chic

Ten tips to get French Chic

Welcome back to The Velvet Runway and this feature with our Ten Tips to get Effortless French Chic.

French Chic is a timeless, elegant style that embodies sophistication, simplicity, and a touch of nonchalance. It’s more than just a fashion statement—it’s a way of life.

Our top tips to get effortless French Chic include being selective with trends, investing in timeless basics, dressing for your body shape, prioritizing fit and adopting a neutral color scheme. French women also don’t look as though they tried too hard, and will always look just that little “imperfectly perfect”. They know their signature style and pay attention to details, and finally Confidence is Key: French Chic is not just about what you wear; it’s about how you wear it.

Ten tips to get French Chic

Whether you’re strolling through the streets of Paris or navigating your daily routine, here are ten tips to help you effortlessly achieve that coveted French Chic look.

1 Don’t try too hard (or at least don’t look as though you tried too hard).

✨ French style always looks effortless, but that doesn’t mean that there hasn’t been any effort involved. The effort is made up front in acquiring a signature style and in having the perfectly curated wardrobe.

Ten tips to get French Chic

✨ French women know how to use classics to their advantage and never underestimate the importance of the perfect cut and fabric. But, the key to French Style is to be “perfectly imperfect”. The look is just that little bit ‘imperfect’, for example a jacket draped casually over the shoulders, the shirt cuffs rolled up and if it’s tucked in, it’s just a bit untucked too!

✨ They are also discerning shoppers and the effort is made up front by creating the perfect wardrobe, so getting dressed each morning is effortless.

2 Be Selective with trends.

✨ French women don’t slavishly follow the latest trend but stick to predominantly basic pieces. While French women are aware of trends, they don’t follow them blindly. Instead, they incorporate trends selectively into their wardrobe, always staying true to their personal style. Before buying into a trend, ask yourself if it complements your existing wardrobe and if it’s something you’ll still love in a few years.

✨ Only adopt a new trend if it works for you and carefully review the season’s trends and select one or two items to update your look, giving your classic basics a makeover/ new twist.

Ten tips to get French Chic

✨ French women are known for their love of timeless, classic pieces. Items like a little black dress, a Breton striped shirt, a trench coat, and a pair of ballet flats are essential in your wardrobe. These pieces never go out of style and can be worn in various ways for different occasions.

✨ In general, aim for about 80% classics and 20% trends. When your wardrobe is comprised predominantly of timeless classics, getting dressed each day is “effortless”

3 Invest in timeless basics and create a capsule wardrobe

✨ Wardrobe essentials should be timeless, versatile and “authentically you”.

✨ French Chic is all about quality over quantity. Invest in a few well-made, versatile pieces that you can mix and match. Stick to a neutral color palette—think black, white, navy, beige, and gray. This minimalist approach allows you to focus on the details and makes getting dressed in the morning a breeze.

Capsule Wardrobe

✨ Having a good range of basic classics enables you to create numerous outfit possibilities.

4 Dress for your body shape and Prioritize Fit

✨ Contrary to the “myth”, French women do NOT all have the perfect body, but they do have “body awareness”. They know what their shape is, they know what suits them and they know where to find it. 

ten tips to get french chic

✨ They wear clothes that flatter their bodies, regardless of trends! They also pay careful attention to the way clothes fit, and they will have their clothes altered if they don’t fit correctly rather than just going with it !

✨ Clothes should not be too tight or too loose but should fit your body just right. Tailoring is key—don’t hesitate to have your clothes altered for that perfect fit. A well-fitted blazer, a pair of tailored trousers, or a classic trench coat can elevate your look instantly.

5 Adopt the French approach to color

✨ In the same way that the majority of their wardrobe is made up of classic silhouettes, French women also wear predominantly neutral colours. Having lots of basics in neutral colours in your wardrobe makes getting dressed each day so much easier, as you you will always be able to coordinate pieces.

Ten tips to get French Chic

✨ All you need to do then is to add your own “twist”/ pop of colour, such as a print, a statement bag, shoes, a scarf, jewellery, lipstick or a statement jacket to make the look “your own”.

6 Get to know your signature style

✨ Despite the fact they have a wardrobe full of basics in neutral colours, each French Woman wants to express her singularity (uniqueness).

✨ They have a knack for developing a signature style that’s uniquely their own. This might be a particular color, accessory, or piece of clothing that you’re known for. Find what makes you feel most confident and comfortable, and stick with it. Over time, this will become your personal brand of chic.

Ten tips to get French Chic

✨ The difference lies in the details and a French woman loves unearthing a “statement” vintage piece or she will have her unique lip colour/ signature scent, and sometimes, the only difference is the way she wears a piece.

7 Have a little fun with fashion

✨ When you know your body shape, the colors that suit you and your signature style, it’s time to get creative and have a little fun with fashion.


✨ A couple of easy ways to sprinkle a little fun into your style “à la française” is to try mixing fabrics (different weights/ different textures) and mixing prints.

✨ Layering is a key element of French style. Learn how to mix different textures and layers to add depth to your outfit. A cashmere sweater over a silk blouse, a trench coat over a striped shirt, or a scarf draped casually over your shoulders can transform a simple look into something chic.

8 Learn to use accessories wisely

✨ Accessories are kept simple yet impactful. Invest in a few high-quality pieces, like a leather handbag, a silk scarf, or a pair of statement earrings. Choose accessories that complement your outfit without overpowering it.

✨ A French woman never underestimates the importance of the “perfect finishing touch” to her look, but she also knows that “less is more”, and follows the advice of Coco Channel.


‘Before leaving the house, a lady should stop, look in the mirror, and remove one piece of jewellery’ Coco Chanel

9 Grooming should also be “perfectly imperfect”

✨ A French woman will never have chipped nails, unwashed hair or wrinkled clothes but the principles of “effortless” and “simplicity” also apply to grooming.


✨ Just like with accessories, “Less is more” when applied to make-up too and it’s about highlighting just one feature on your face, such as a gorgeous red lip, or a smokey eye, but never both!

✨ French women are famous for their natural makeup look. A bit of concealer, a touch of blush, and a swipe of mascara are usually enough.

Ten tips to get French Chic

✨ Keep your hairstyle simple and natural. Opt for tousled waves, a chic bun, or a simple ponytail. Avoid over-styling or using too many products—again less is more!

10 And don’t forget to be a bit rebellious and break the rules

✨ There’s a reason French women are known as “belles et rebelles“, because they know that rules are made to be broken! But, it’s a lot easier to break the rules when you know what they are!

Ten tips to get French Chic

Finally, Confidence is Key. French Chic is not just about what you wear; it’s about how you wear it. Even the most elegant outfit can fall flat if you don’t carry yourself with confidence. When you believe in yourself and feel comfortable in your own skin, it shows. Your posture, walk, and even the way you interact with others reflect that self-assurance, making your outfit more powerful and stylish.

Confidence also means embracing imperfections. French women don’t strive for perfection; they appreciate the beauty in flaws, whether it’s a slightly tousled hairstyle or a smudge of mascara. This acceptance of imperfection is what makes French Chic so accessible and real. When you’re confident, you’re comfortable with your imperfections and don’t feel the need to hide them.

Final Thoughts on Ten Tips to Get French Chic

Achieving French Chic is about more than just the clothes you wear; it’s about embodying a certain attitude. It’s the confidence, the attention to detail, and the effortless elegance that make this style so timeless.

By following these ten tips, you can bring a touch of Parisian flair into your everyday life. Remember, French Chic isn’t about perfection—it’s about finding beauty in simplicity.

I hope you enjoyed this post about How to get effortless French Chic. You might also enjoy this post on 5 common style mistakes and how to avoid them or this post about how to look elegant and classy on a budget.

I will be back soon with more style, lifestyle and travel inspiration and don’t forget to subscribe to the blog below to make sure you never miss a post,


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With love,

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  1. FoodDoz says:

    Thanks for the post.

    1. Julia Rees says:

      You’re welcome 🙂

  2. Great tips for achieving that flawless Parisian chic we all admire but few can master without some help. I like Parisian chic but I also love a bit more eccentric sense of fashion. It’s great fashion give us the ability to explore so many styles, isn’t it?

    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Thanks Ivana! I totally agree – style is about expressing who you are and we are all different and so we all have our unique style! It’s a great way to express yourself xo

  3. I moved to a little town close to paris a couple of weeks ago and this post was really fun for me! 🙂

    have an amazing weekend,


    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      So glad you enjoyed the post Tiziana and I hope you are enjoying living near Paris 🙂

  4. Katerina says:

    I love these tips, Julia! I have always admired the style of French women but have never been able to master it (still trying)! That said, you are so right about using classic pieces and knowing your style and what flatters you. That’s what I find works for me most, in allowing me to relax and feel confident in what I’m wearing!

    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      So glad you liked the post Katerina! Knowing your style and feeling happy in what you’re wearing really is the key! xo

  5. Gata Collins says:

    Thanks for the great tips!

    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Glad you liked them, Gata x

  6. Elizabeth Walker says:

    Really admire your knowledge about fashion! Thanks for the post!

    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Glad you liked the post Elizabeth x

  7. Serene says:

    Yessss I love the tips


    Serene xoxo ♥

    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Thanks Serene, so glad you like them xoxo

  8. French style is amazing!

    Le Stylo Rouge

    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Isn’t it!

  9. love the tips!


    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Thank you Didier 🙂

  10. Such a great post. Thanks for sharing!
    xx- Nina

    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      So glad you liked it Nina x

  11. This is wonderful. On thing that makes me look French is when I add a beret. It completely changes up my whole look.


    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Glad you liked the post !

  12. What good tips! I think this would be a fun and interesting course to do too! 🙂

    Hope that you have a nice weekend ahead of you 🙂

    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Thank you Mica! I’m so glad you liked the tips 🙂

  13. Ashlee says:

    I have always loved the Parisian style and vibe overall, thanks so much for sharing!


    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Glad you enjoyed the post, Ashlee! Parisian style is so chic x

  14. totally love these tips and infographics!

    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Thank you so much x

  15. Margot says:

    Cool tips here.
    But now I wonder if I look French enough haha.

    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Glad you like the tips, Margot, and you definitely have that effortless French chic x

  16. Itzel Najar says:

    so cute blog!!
    thanks for sharing!!

    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Glad you like it 🙂

  17. Great tips! I can’t agree more on the neutrals.

    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Thanks Lovely! Glad you like the tips xo

  18. Julia,
    This is such a fabulous post. Loved every tip about how to turn the wardrobe into French essentials. I loved especially the fusion with fashion and wearing to accentuate the body not follow trends. Love it!

    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Thank you Hasin! So glad you liked the post 🙂

  19. Having traveled to France this is so true. They (and I) like to live by the 80/20 rule: %80 classic pieces and %20 trend pieces. Great informative post!

    Allie of

    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Thanks Allie! I’m glad you like the post and I try to follow the 80/20 rule too xo

  20. Very chic ❤

    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Thanks Kinga 🙂

  21. These are great tips! I do love the French style!

    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Thanks Rach! I love French style too 🙂

  22. jodie filogomo says:

    I love the idea to have a little fun. That’s what makes me happy.

    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Yes, having a little fun is so important (and even more so in the current pandemic!) xoxo

  23. These are all such great tips! And very true from what I remember when I lived in France!

    District of Chic

    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Glad you like the tips x

  24. Missy May says:

    These are some great tips. Thank you for the styling tips.

    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      So glad you liked the tips x

  25. Great post and tips! French women are some of the most chic women!

    Life is a Shoe

    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Thanks Celyn xo

  26. I love your tips and this graphic! Your program sounds wonderful Julia. My favorite and most important tip for Parisian style is don’t try too hard which is probably the most difficult!


    1. The Velvet Runway says:

      Thank you Kathrine. And yes, ‘don’t try too hard’ is really important and yet also the most difficult x

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