Travel Mistakes to Avoid for a Great Trip
Travel Travel Tips

Travel Mistakes to Avoid for a Great Trip

Welcome back to The Velvet Runway and this feature about Travel Mistakes to Avoid for a Great Trip.

When you travel, whether it is a holiday or long-term travel, there are lots of things that you need to consider. These considerations will keep you safe, and ensure you have fun on your trip. But most people will only think about the things they need to do and not the things they need to avoid.

Travel Mistakes to Avoid for a Great Trip

These can be just as detrimental in impacting the success of your trip. To help you plan and experience a great vacation, here are some travel mistakes you must avoid. 

Travel Mistakes to Avoid for a Great Trip

1. Not thoroughly researching the location you are going to

Regardless of where you are going, it is always important to thoroughly research beforehand. Even if you have been there before, or have been recommended the location. It is especially important if you have only seen it on Instagram, or you have never been before.

You need to conduct research to ensure that it is safe, that it meets your expectations, and that you are aware of any rules or customs that you have to follow. If you don’t, this mistake could lead you into trouble, or just a lack of enjoyment on holiday.

Travel Planning

Unfortunately, many nice locations are posted on social media without any context. Many people have been let down when they plan their trip around these, only to discover that it was the only nice spot. There are also different laws and expectations in different countries that you must become familiar with and respect. 


For example, when planning a trip to the Maldives, there are many factors to take into account, including the local culture, the weather, the different islands and reef safe tips.

2. Not planning your evenings/downtime 

Many people will plan their holidays and fill their days with activities. They then make the mistake of not considering how they will relax, rest, recharge, or spend their downtime. This can lead to boredom and frustration, as well as wasting time trying to think and make decisions.

Travel Mistakes to Avoid for a Great Trip

Travel is about enjoying the experience, not rushing from one attraction to the next. Give yourself time to relax, explore at your own pace, and savor the moments. Consider the different things you can do when you have had a full day. This might be playing a game of mahjong or heading out for a meal and drinks. 

Beach Bar

3. Overpacking

One of the most common mistakes travelers make, and one that I am occasionally guilty of 😂, is overpacking. It’s tempting to prepare for every possible scenario, but lugging around a heavy suitcase can quickly become a burden.


Instead, focus on packing versatile clothing that can be mixed and matched, and stick to the essentials. Remember that most destinations have stores where you can purchase anything you might forget, but if you’re going to an island resort you will find some items, such as sunscreen and reef shoes, may be overpriced.

4. Waiting last minute to book activities 

A big mistake to make when traveling is waiting until the last minute to book activities. This might be necessary if you don’t know what the weather is going to be like, or if you don’t know if you will have the time and energy to do it.

But if you are really set on doing something specific, then it is a good idea that you book this in advance to save disappointment, especially if you have planned your whole trip for the activities. 

5. Neglecting to Check Visa and Passport Requirements

One of the most serious travel mistakes is not checking visa and passport requirements ahead of time. Arriving at the airport only to find out you don’t have the necessary documentation can ruin your trip before it even begins.


Many countries have specific entry requirements, including the need for visas or passports with a minimum validity period.

Tip: Check visa requirements as soon as you start planning your trip. Also, ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your travel dates.

6. Skipping Travel Health Precautions

Whether it’s ignoring necessary vaccinations, forgetting to pack essential medications, or neglecting basic health precautions, overlooking travel health can have serious consequences. Different destinations come with different health risks, so it’s essential to prepare accordingly.

Travel Mistakes to Avoid for a Great Trip

Visit your doctor before traveling to get any necessary vaccinations and health advice for your destination, and make sure to pack a travel health kit with basics, such as medications, insect repellent, and sunscreen.

7. Not trying the local food 

Trying the local food is an excellent way to immerse yourself in the local culture, get to know the locals, and try something new. It allows you to understand the place you are visiting, its history, its customs, and more. It is also just fun and exciting to try and experience something new.

Moroccan food

8. Forgetting to inform your bank

There’s nothing worse than having your credit or debit card blocked while you’re abroad (trust me, I know from experience!) Banks often flag international transactions as suspicious and may freeze your account if you haven’t informed them of your travel plans.

Tip: Before leaving, notify your bank of your travel dates and destinations. It’s also a good idea to carry a backup credit card and some local currency for emergencies.

9. Not Staying Hydrated and Overindulging

It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of trying new foods and drinks while traveling, but forgetting to stay hydrated can quickly lead to fatigue, headaches, and even illness. Overindulging in rich foods or alcohol can also take a toll on your energy levels, especially when dealing with jet lag or a busy itinerary.

Make sure to prioritise your health when traveling and carry a refillable water bottle so you can drink water regularly throughout the day.

10. Ignoring Travel Insurance

Travel insurance might seem like an unnecessary expense, but it’s a crucial safety net in case things go wrong. From flight cancellations and lost luggage to medical emergencies, travel insurance can save you from significant financial loss and provide peace of mind during your trip.

Tip: Always purchase travel insurance that covers your needs, especially for international travel. Ensure it includes health coverage, especially if you’re visiting a country with high medical costs.

Travel Insurance

Final Thoughts on Travel Mistakes to Avoid for a Great Trip

Traveling is an adventure, and part of that adventure is learning from your experiences. By avoiding these common travel mistakes, you can ensure a smoother, more enjoyable trip that allows you to focus on the joy of exploration and discovery. Plan wisely, stay flexible, and embrace the journey—wherever it may take you!

Travel Mistakes to Avoid for a Great Trip

I hope you enjoyed this feature about Travel Mistakes to Avoid for a Great Trip, and you can also have a look more of our travel features.

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Happy Travelling!

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  1. Hello!
    You must be a travel pro, because these mistakes are very common in people with little travelling experience! I don’t think you’ve forgotten anything!

    1. Julia Rees says:

      Thanks Marisa! I do travel a lot 😂😂. I have just released a travel checklist to help people plan their trips, so let me know if you would like a copy x

  2. So many great tips, Julia. I need to work on the packing…

    1. Julia Rees says:

      Thanks Angie. I will be releasing free packing checklists soon, so keep checking back xo

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