self-care following serious illness
Health and Wellness Lifestyle

Why is self-care important following serious illness?

Welcome back to The Velvet Runway and this health and wellness feature where we are delving into Why is self-care important following serious illness? 

Whether you’re recovering from a virus, surgery or a chronic condition, a holistic approach to healthcare is essential to smooth and speedy recovery. Alongside any applicable medication and rehabilitation, self-care plays an important role in supporting the mind and body on your healing journey.

Here’s why self-care is essential following a serious illness and the simple things you can do daily to aid your recuperation.  

Why is self-care important following serious illness? 

Self Care

Promoting physical health 

Help your body to repair itself quickly and efficiently by giving it the nourishment it needs. This starts with eating a nutrient-rich diet packed with protein, supplemented with vitamins to target any particular deficiencies. Temporary hair loss, known as telogen effluvium, is a common physical response to serious illness: vitamins for hair loss are widely available, helping to slow excessive shedding. Staying well-hydrated at all times will also support your recovery. 

Physical activity is crucial too, providing many benefits such as increased strength, improved circulation and enhanced mood. Depending on the stage of recovery, exercises can range from walking to more structured routines like yoga or Pilates. Integrating movement into daily routines can be as simple as taking regular breaks to stretch or opting for stairs over lifts. 

Yoga pose

Rest is a vital component of healing, as this is when the body repairs and regenerates. As part of your self-care routine, establish a regular sleep schedule with good pre-sleep practices including limiting screen time before bed. Remember that managing fatigue involves balancing rest with activity, ensuring that neither overexertion nor prolonged inactivity hinders recovery. 

Supporting mental recovery 

Relaxing bath

Self-care is key to supporting mental as well as physical recovery. Stress can significantly impede healing, so relaxation techniques like mindfulness and meditation are effective tools in your arsenal. Indulge in anything that helps to calm your nervous system, whether this is a long bath, curling up with your favourite book, cooking or watching a soothing film.  



Incorporating therapeutic activities like journaling or art therapy can also help you stay grounded and grateful, building up the emotional resilience needed to navigate your journey. Reaching out to friends and family and joining a support group for people going through a similar experience will also help you overcome emotional blocks and ward off anxiety and depression. 

Reawakening old passions 

Engaging in old hobbies can provide a sense of normalcy and joy during extended recovery. While high-energy activities might be out of the question to begin with, low-stress pastimes such as reading, gardening, or easy crafts can be beneficial for the mind and body. Experiment with interests gradually to ensure these experiences are enjoyable rather than overwhelming.   

self-care following serious illness

You can use your pursuits as an emotional outlet to help you get a handle on how you’re feeling and come to terms with life after a serious illness. Get creative with activities such as painting, writing, or playing music which naturally foster self-expression and bring suppressed thoughts to the surface.  

Building Resilience

Recovering from a serious illness requires resilience. Self-care helps build this resilience by empowering you to take control of your health and well-being. Establishing a routine that includes self-care practices can provide structure and a sense of normalcy, making it easier to cope with the challenges that come with recovery.

self-care following serious illness

Final words about Why is self-care important following serious illness?

Self-care is a vital component of recovery following a serious illness. By focusing on physical, emotional, and mental well-being, you can enhance your recovery process and build a foundation for a healthier future.

Remember, self-care is not a luxury but a necessity, especially when healing from a life-changing health event. Prioritize yourself, listen to your body, and take the steps needed to nurture your overall health and happiness.

self-care following serious illness

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  1. Some really great tips, Julia. I did a lot of meditation and yoga after recovering from breast cancer…used to do lots of HIIT and my body probably couldn’t handle so much stress.

    1. Julia Rees says:

      I’m glad you like the tips, Angie. I used to run and do HIIT too but have switched to walking and yoga in recent years

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